A Note on the data files of the Serial + ACP experiments with links to data:
1. *.dat are the original data files recorded by the program, messy.
*.ddg are the digested data files sorted by Bruce Bell after each experiment.
2. There are
five different treatments:
(1) One-shot games: each game has eight rounds, round robin design.
key information: round matches demB demR payB payR odemB odemR statsB statsR
matches: vector which denotes the matching order of the Red. Each round Blue remains
the same, we rotate the Reds.
demB: demand vector for the Blue.
payB: payoff vector for the Blue.
odemB = demR: demand vector for the opponent of Blue, redundant.
statsB: the distribution of demands for Blue.
Files: Serial -- Caltech sessions - srcit1, srcit2, srcit3
PCC sessions - srpcc1, srpcc2, srpcc3
ACP -- Caltech sessions - arcit1, arcit2, arcit3
PCC sessions - arpcc1, arpcc2, arpcc3
(2) Repeated synchronous games: fixed pair, 150 rounds with limited info.
Files: Serial -- Caltech - 703ssim ACP -- Caltech - 702asim
key: [player-1] [player-2] round round2 dem1 dem2 pay1 pay2 cumpay2
dem1: demand from player 1
round2 = round: the round counter for player 2, redundant.
cumpay2 = pay2, redundant
(3) Repeated asynchronous treatment: fixed pair, 150
rounds, lag=5 for player 2.
Files: Serial -- Caltech - 705slag ACP -- Caltech - 701alag
key: [player-1]
[player-2] round round2 dem1 dem2 pay1 pay2 cumpay2
round2: round counter for player 2, adjust every five
actual rounds.
(4) Repeated synchronous: random re-matching (all UM sessions)
Serial: sersynr1, sersynr2,
sersynr3. ACP : acpsynr1, acpsynr2,
(5) Repeated asynchronous: random re-matching (all UM sessions)
Serial: serasnr1, serasnr2, serasnr3. ACP : acpasnr1, acpasnr2, acpasnr3